

The Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting between PMR Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandr Stetsiuk and representatives of the International Organization for Migration.

As the diplomat underscored, a continuous open dialogue with the IOM and other UN family agencies is essential to promote their activities on the territory of Pridnestrovie.

The sides exchanged views on social and humanitarian project activities, including support for refugees from Ukraine, combating human trafficking and domestic violence, as well as aid to socially vulnerable groups.


A meeting of the commission for foreign policy and international relations was held at the PMR Supreme Council. The topic of discussion was the OSCE PA Resolution containing false information about the situation in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.     


Today, the meeting of expert (working) groups on economic issues took place at the initiative of the Pridnestrovian side via videoconference.
The agenda of the meeting proposed by Pridnestrovie centered on new economic problems predicted in the light of Moldova’s destructive steps. 


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic lodges a strong protest against the false accusations and biased assessments set out in the text of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s resolution, which have nothing to do with the real situation in Pridnestrovie.


We have familiarized ourselves with the opinion of officials from the office of the political representative of the Republic of Moldova expressed in the media who described the Declaration of Commitment to peaceful methods of conflict settlement put forward by Pridnestrovie for signature as an allegedly “provocative” initiative.


Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandr Stetsiuk met with a delegation of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Welcoming the guests, the PMR Deputy Foreign Minister emphasized the long-standing project activity of the UNDP marked by its practical focus, and stated Pridnestrovie’s willingness to continue cooperation.
In the course of the meeting, the interlocutors reviewed the results of the activities implemented by UNDP in Pridnestrovie during the first six months of the current year, and discussed plans for further work in 2024.


The Foreign Ministry hosted the meeting between Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandr Stetsiuk and the delegation of the World Health Organization.


Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandr Stetsiuk met with UN Peace and Development Advisor Kristin Jenssen and assistant for inclusion of vulnerable groups Laure Storne.
Opening the meeting, Alexandr Stetsiuk positively assessed the dynamics of cooperation with the UN and its relevant structures. In particular, the diplomat noted that a series of projects under the auspices of UN agencies are being implemented on the territory of Pridnestrovie, and the accumulated long-term experience of interaction makes it possible to identify promising areas for further cooperation.


Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev met with Ambassador Thomas Mayr-Harting, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office to discuss the current standing within the negotiation process. Ambassador Kelly Keiderling, Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, also attended the meeting.


Vitaly Ignatiev and Oleg Serebrian met at the Office of the OSCE Mission in Bendery in the presence of mediators and observers.


Today, a meeting of Expert (Working) Groups on Health Issues was held in the videoconference format. The discussion focused on the problem of importing medicines for health institutions and pharmaceutical companies in Pridnestrovie. The Pridnestrovian side claimed that relevant authorities of the Republic of Moldova still ban a number of cargoes with medicines purchased within the framework of the 2023 state tenders.



Vitaly Ignatiev participated in the international conference organized by the State University, dedicated to the launching of the political negotiation process, with a lecture: “A 30-year Experience of the Negotiation Process between the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and the Republic of Moldova: Retrospective and Current Problems”.


The Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting of PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev with the head of the delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Doris El Doueihy.

Opening the dialogue, Vitaly Ignatiev informed the guests about the destructive actions of the Moldovan authorities with regard to the functioning of the healthcare system in Pridnestrovie. In particular, the politically motivated blockade of imports of medicines and medical equipment into the country is still in place.



On 17 March, a military air base in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was attacked by a kamikaze drone, causing a fire and destruction of military property.

We condemn this terrorist act, as well as any similar actions that jeopardize people’s lives, peace and security on the banks of the Dniester River. This is a challenge for all states that are truly interested in regional stability.


Foreign Diplomats Learnt about Losses of Pridnestrovie Resulting from Moldovan Customs Duties

Today, an online event was held with the participation of representatives of foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Chisinau dedicated to the issue of Moldova’s economic pressure on Pridnestrovie. The presentation “Imposition of Customs Duties by the Republic of Moldova: Current Damage, Risks and Threats” was delivered by the head of the expert (working) group for economic issues, Minister of Economic Development of the PMR, Sergey Obolonik.



The Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting of PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev with the British Ambassador. The diplomats continued the discussion started with the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky.



The Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting of PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev with EUBAM Head Slawomir Pichor.

The unjustified imposition of customs duties by Moldova on Pridnestrovian economic operators was the major topic.

The PMR Foreign Minister stressed that Moldova’s new restrictions resulted in double taxation and became an additional burden for Pridnestrovian business. He characterized the repressive measures by Moldova as an element of economic warfare.


Today, a meeting of expert (working) groups on transport and road infrastructure development was held online.


The Foreign Ministry received a delegation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

During the working discussion, the UNHCR representatives shared information on their current activities on the territory of Pridnestrovie. In particular, attention was paid to the implementation of several projects aimed at the protection and support of refugees. In this context, the sides discussed the prospects and parameters of bilateral cooperation this year.

At the end of the meeting, the sides agreed to keep working contacts on issues of mutual interest.


Earlier, the Foreign Ministry informed about an initiative to hold a meeting of expert (working) groups in order to discuss the accumulated problems related to Moldova’s restrictive measures, as well as the issue of land use in the Dubossary district of the PMR.

The Moldovan delegation refused to come to Tiraspol on the previously agreed date. The Foreign Ministry considers this approach as an evasion of dialogue on the pressing agenda, indicating a disregard for the available negotiation tools and the problems faced by people and economic agents.
