2024 Activity Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic


I.  Negotiation process with the Republic of Moldova

The main goal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2024 was to counteract by diplomatic means the destructive steps of the Republic of Moldova, as well as to prevent the escalation of region-wide instability and to ensure the security of Pridnestrovian citizens.

Despite Pridnestrovie’s repeated appeals during the reporting period, Moldova continued its hostile political course, refusing dialogue at the leadership level, provoking additional problems for citizens, organizations and enterprises of the PMR, as well as destroying the contractual-legal basis of the negotiation process.

The Moldovan authorities, including the political representative O. Serebrian, demonstrated lack of real interest in the resolution of the issues on the agenda. The political representative of the Republic of Moldova openly declared that Moldova had withdrawn from the negotiations and was implementing unilateral measures of pressure on Pridnestrovian enterprises and population. The consequence of such deliberate actions of the Moldovan side was a critical lack of demanded solutions.

In 2024, the Foreign Ministry persistently emphasized the need to resume meetings in the 5+2 format - an equal and legitimate platform, but the Republic of Moldova continued to avoid them. As a result, the interaction between the sides was reduced to contacts at the level of political representatives (3 meetings), as well as subject matter experts (13 meetings of expert (working) groups).

The range of problems provoked by the RM, to which the MFA aimed its efforts, included restrictions on foreign economic activity of Pridnestrovie, introduction of illegitimate customs duties, banking and transport blockades, obstruction of exports of the Pridnestrovian industrial enterprises, hindering of supplies of medicines and medical equipment, expansion of grounds for criminal prosecution of Pridnestrovian citizens on political pretexts. The high light of the RM aggressive policy at the end of 2024 was the refusal to cooperate in order to continue supplying energy resources along the traditional route through Ukraine.

At the same time, the Republic of Moldova continued on a course aimed at militarization and abandonment of its neutral status, as well as increasing the risks of escalation of tensions.

In January 2024, one of the priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the forced levy by Moldova of customs duties on goods imported and exported by Pridnestrovian economic actors. This decision of Chisinau provoked a large-scale decline in trade, an increase in consumer prices and a shortfall in tax revenues to the republic’s budget.

The Foreign Ministry issued an official statement describing Moldova’s actions as a form of economic pressure on all Pridnestrovian citizens and a direct undermining of the common efforts aimed at normalizing the dialogue between the parties. The Foreign Ministry also sent relevant appeals to the international participants in the negotiation process, calling for assistance in preventing further pressure measures that violate the interests of the citizens of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. At the same time, problems related to unlawful customs duties were regularly discussed by the Pridnestrovian side during meetings of political representatives, relevant experts, as well as within the framework of contacts with the participants in the 5+2 format.

A logical consequence of the situation around the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic at the beginning of 2024 was the holding of rallies against Moldova’s blockade measures in Bender on 18 January and in Tiraspol on 24 January. On 28 February, a Congress of deputies of all levels was held in the capital of Pridnestrovie, which resulted in appeals to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the United Nations, all participants in the international negotiation format 5+2, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Parliament of the European Union and the International Committee of the Red Cross to prevent the unilateral discriminatory policy of the Republic of Moldova, provoking humanitarian crisis in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

The congress confirmed the unity of the Pridnestrovian society, becoming a mobilizing factor in the struggle to ensure the inalienable rights of citizens and a significant argument for defending the interests of Pridnestrovie in the international arena.

In 2024, the Foreign Ministry made efforts to lift the banking blockade, which aggravates the problem of customs duties. As a result of restrictions on the banking sector, Pridnestrovian economic agents were deprived of the possibility to open accounts in Moldovan banks and, as a consequence, of duty-free trade through the territory of Moldova with foreign countries. The MFA, taking into account the OSCE recommendations received earlier, requested an up-to-date expertise in order to normalize the situation in the banking sector.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs endeavored to draw the attention of the international community to the problem of Moldova blocking the exports of the Pridnestrovian industrial enterprises Moldavizolit, Potentsial and Electromash. Within the framework of working contacts, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs repeatedly emphasized that the products of the factories have a civilian purpose and called on the Moldovan side to abandon the inadequate and incapable control mechanism that de facto prevents exports.

The Foreign Ministry took political and diplomatic steps aimed at ensuring the normal operation and competitive ability of one of the country’s budget-forming enterprises, the metallurgical plant in Rybnitsa, in the context of the planned changes in the raw material delivery mechanism. Within the framework of meetings of political representatives, experts on economic issues, as well as contacts with the participants of the 5+2 format, a negative assessment was given to Moldova’s actions to grant the status of tax monopoly to the firm Metalferos, as well as a call to abandon the vicious practice specifically directed against the Pridnestrovian enterprise, as a result of which Moldova Steel Works will not be able to purchase raw materials in the Republic of Moldova and other countries at competitive prices.  

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the available international platforms focused attention on the actions of the Republic of Moldova to collect payments from Pridnestrovian economic agents within the framework of the so-called “extended producer’s responsibility”, which implies payment in favor of relevant Moldovan associations for the alleged disposal of the packaging of imported products. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly stated that these requirements are ill-founded, since the relevant utilization works are carried out in Pridnestrovie and not in the Republic of Moldova. Thanks to the efforts made, these restrictions were not imposed at the end of the reporting period.

As a result of a long and methodical work of the Foreign Ministry, with the assistance of mediators, progress was made in restarting the VRO mechanism, which allows Pridnestrovian car owners to participate in international road traffic. Thus, in August of the reporting period, the acceptance of documents for the issuance of harmonized certificates and neutral number plates was resumed at the Vehicle Registration Offices.

However, at this stage, only vehicles imported to Pridnestrovie before 24 April 2018, as well as those whose owners have previously received the so-called “TV-24 customs form”, are allowed for registration in the VROs. The registration of vehicles imported after the signing of the Protocol Decision has been discussed by the parties, but Moldova is unreasonably delaying the fulfilment of its obligations.

Topical issues of the MFA work in the field of motor transport remain the diplomatic counteraction to Moldova’s plans to introduce a ban on the movement of vehicles with Pridnestrovian registration plates on the roads of the Republic of Moldova, as well as topics related to the application by the Republic of Moldova of unjustified restrictions on the movement of Pridnestrovian-issued driving licenses and administrative sanctions against drivers with Pridnestrovian CMTPL.

The Foreign Ministry continued to protect the interests of the Pridnestrovian healthcare system. In May of the reporting period, after 7 months of negotiations, with the mediation of the participants of the 5+2 format and international humanitarian organizations, an agreement was reached on the passage of an X-ray machine for the TB dispensary of the Republican Clinical Hospital.

As regards the supply of medicines, the RM continued to demonstrate a destructive approach by refusing to allow the passage of part of the cargoes with medicines purchased by the PMR Ministry of Health within the framework of tenders in 2023.

Within the framework of the working dialogue, the MFA continued to stress the inadmissibility of restricting the supply of medicines to Pridnestrovie, including those purchased under state order for the needs of medical institutions. For now, a common understanding has been reached with the Republic of Moldova on the existence of prospects for cooperation in the field of drug safety research in Pridnestrovie, given the need to modernize the laboratory facilities.

During the reporting period, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made efforts to ensure the security and protection of the rights of Pridnestrovian citizens. The activity of the Foreign Ministry focused on the settlement of issues related to unjustified refusals by the security structures of the Republic of Moldova to cross the border by citizens of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic leaving or returning to the place of permanent residence, to reunite with family or to carry out labor activity in Pridnestrovie. In the context of the political and diplomatic work carried out, Pridnestrovian citizens who faced the above-mentioned problems returned home.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within the framework of official contacts at various venues of the negotiation process, declared the inadmissibility of the application by the Republic of Moldova of a politically motivated discriminatory approach to Pridnestrovian citizens when they pass through passport control at Chisinau International Airport (delays, interrogations and in-depth searches along the so-called ‘second line’, attempts at recruitment by intelligence services). In this context, the Pridnestrovian side continues to insist on the implementation by the Republic of Moldova of the 2014 Protocol Decision on Certain Aspects of Freedom of Movement of the Population and the 2019 “gentlemen’s agreement”.

In 2024, the Foreign Ministry regularly interacted with international participants in the negotiation process on the issues of toughening the criminal legislation of the Republic of Moldova, which broadens the basis for the prosecution of Pridnestrovians on political grounds.

In addition to the so-called “separatism amendments” adopted in 2023, the legislation on “high treason” was amended in the Republic of Moldova in June of the reporting period. The new wording of the article and the sanctions foreseen provoke risks of arbitrary application of this norm, including the possibility of its use against Pridnestrovian citizens. At the same time, the Republic of Moldova continues to ignore the calls of the participants in the 5+2 format to revise these discriminatory acts.

Given the stalled dialogue and the continuing pressure measures on the part of Moldova, on 17 May the Foreign Ministry made an attempt to normalize the situation in the negotiation process through the signing by the participants in the 5+2 format of a Declaration of Commitment to Peaceful Methods of Resolving the Moldova-Pridnestrovie Conflict.

This initiative was favorably received by the international participants in the negotiation process. However, despite the initial readiness of the political representative O. Serebrian to accept the document in the proposed wording, RM subsequently refused to sign it, instead putting forward politically unacceptable demands.

The issue of signing the document was updated at a meeting of political representatives on 19 November, at the end of which Moldova expressed its willingness to continue developing the text of the declaration. At the same time, the political representative of the Republic of Moldova, Mr O. Serebrian made a statement about Chisinau’s disinterest in adopting the document, which actually confirms Moldova’s intention to continue to exert pressure on Pridnestrovians and also provokes the risks of the use of forceful measures by the Republic of Moldova against Pridnestrovie.

In order to draw the attention of the international community to the current problematic aspects of relations between Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova, the Foreign Ministry prepared and sent at the 19 November meeting an aide-memoire with an overview of Moldova’s violations of the rights and freedoms of Pridnestrovian residents from the point of view of international law. This document was also sent to foreign diplomatic missions in order to shape an objective view of the essence of Moldova’s policy.

The destructive and inhumane approach of the RM to the settlement process culminated in 2024 with the refusal to engage in the energy sector amid the approaching crisis.

Noting the speculative statements by Moldovan officials and the lack of appropriate practical steps by Chisinau to reach agreements on the supply of natural gas, the Foreign Ministry invited the Moldovan side to send as soon as possible a joint appeal to Russia and Ukraine with a request to take, on the basis of considerations of humanity and concern for people, the necessary decisions to ensure the transit along the traditional route of natural gas to Pridnestrovie. There has been no official response from the Moldovan side. Such a position of the Republic of Moldova became an open evidence of the desire to provoke a humanitarian crisis in Pridnestrovie, deterioration of living conditions of the population and functioning of the economy.

In the reporting period, Pridnestrovie’s interaction with mediators and observers in the negotiation process was a significant goal.

On 12 April 2024, President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta Ian Borg. The Pridnestrovian side focused on the role of the OSCE in the negotiation process and the organization’s availability of appropriate tools for its revitalization.

On 5 June and 11 October, Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev met with the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Thomas Mayr-Harting at the Foreign Ministry to discuss the current state of the dialogue with Chisinau.

II. Interaction with the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Caucasus countries

Interaction with the Russian Federation

In 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued its work to maintain stable cooperation with the Russian Federation in order to address the most pressing issues.

The Foreign Ministry was in regular communication with Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry V.E. Tryapitsyn and other representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The main topics remain the current state of affairs in the negotiation process with Moldova, with a focus on finding ways of counteracting the restrictive measures of the Republic of Moldova, as well as issues relating to the observance of the rights of Russian citizens and compatriots living in Pridnestrovie.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ensured constant cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Russia to the OSCE on working issues. Pridnestrovie enjoys the full support of the Russian side with regard to the resumption of the full-fledged operation of the 5+2 format as a legitimate and non-alternative dialogue space.

On 6 March and 21 June, President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic V.N. Krasnoselsky, with the participation of Pridnestrovian Foreign Minister V.V. Ignatiev, met with Russian Ambassador to Moldova O.V. Vasnetsov. The main topics of communication were problematic aspects of Moldova-Pridnestrovie relations, economic, social, humanitarian, cultural and peacekeeping issues, as well as aspects of obtaining Russian citizenship by persons residing in Pridnestrovie.

On the margins of the Second Abkhaz Medical Forum in April of the reporting period, the Minister of Health of Pridnestrovie, Kristina Albul, met with the Minister of Health of Russia, Mikhail Murashko. A wide range of issues related to cooperation in the area of health care were discussed during the dialogue.

One of the significant events within the framework of Russian-Pridnestrovian cooperation in 2024 was the participation of an official Pridnestrovian delegation in the World Youth Festival, which took place in March in Sochi. At the festival, which was attended by more than 20,000 people, Pridnestrovian representatives held a number of meetings with Russian officials. Pridnestrovian youth, in turn, had the opportunity to establish direct communication with representatives of foreign countries.

The Official Representative Office of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in Russia celebrated the fifth anniversary of its activity. During this time, it has become a significant tool for implementing the country’s foreign policy.

During 2024, the Representative Office staff regularly received citizens and rendered assistance by providing qualified advice. The institution continued its planned work to protect the rights and interests of Pridnestrovians living in Russia, including in terms of interaction with the authorities of the Russian Federation, recognition and replacement of documents, consular and other issues faced by citizens of the PMR in Russia. The Representative Office also maintained contacts with Russian MPs, human rights activists, cultural and sports figures, and public organizations.

The head of the Official Representative Office of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the Russian Federation, Leonid Manakov, spoke online at the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, during which he drew the attention of those present to the numerous facts of Moldova’s violation of the rights and freedoms of the Pridnestrovian population in all spheres of life.

Interaction with Ukraine

Due to objective circumstances, cooperation with the Ukrainian side remains limited. At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued to maintain official communication at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Embassy of Ukraine in Chisinau.

On February 19, 2024, during the meeting of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Paun Rohovei, the common aspirations of Pridnestrovie and Ukraine to maintain peace and continue the civilized negotiation process were confirmed. Measures to support Ukrainian refugees provided by Pridnestrovie were also discussed.

There were working contacts with the Embassy of Ukraine in Moldova on consular and other practical issues. Representatives of the Embassy of Ukraine continue to participate in the work of the Joint Control Commission, as well as in meetings of political representatives of the parties and meetings of expert (working) groups.

Interaction with the Caucasus Countries

Engagement with Abkhazia and South Ossetia continued in 2024.

On 22 January, the Foreign Ministry hosted a working dialogue between Foreign Minister V. Ignatiev and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic A. Vataman. During the dialogue, the diplomats discussed the current agenda of Pridnestrovian-Abkhazian interaction, outlining work plans for 2024.

On 15 February the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev took part in a meeting of the Panel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pridnestrovie.

On March 7, V. Ignatiev met with A. Vataman at the Abkhazian Representative Office. During the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic congratulated his counterpart on the anniversary of the establishment of the Official Representative Office of Abkhazia in Pridnestrovie.   The diplomats discussed current issues on the cooperation agenda.  Earlier, in early March, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR, A. Stetsiuk, paid a working visit to the Republic of Abkhazia. During the visit, he attended the Official Representative Office of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and held a meeting at the Abkhazian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Deputy Minister I. Tuzhba.

In April 2024, the Minister of Healthcare of Pridnestrovie participated in the Second Abkhazian Medical Forum. As part of her visit to Sukhumi, Kristina Albul met with the President of the Republic of Abkhazia, Aslan Bzhania, to discuss pressing issues of bilateral cooperation in healthcare and the importance of strengthening ties between the two republics.

In September, the Pridnestrovian delegation visited the Republic of Abkhazia. As part of the visit, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia with the participation of Abkhazian Foreign Minister S. Shamba, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic A. Stetsiuk, and Head of the Official Representation of the PMR in the Republic of Abkhazia G. Kupalba. During the discussion, practical aspects of interstate cooperation were addressed, as well as the readiness to continue joint efforts to develop relations between Pridnestrovie and Abkhazia.

On December 5, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a meeting between Minister of Foreign Affairs V. Ignatiev and the Head of the Official Representation of the Republic of South Ossetia in the PMR, V. Yankovsky. The diplomats reviewed the results of the outgoing year, exchanging views on the full range of implemented activities, and discussed a comprehensive plan for cooperation between the two countries for the coming year.

III. Cooperation with non-CIS Countries and International Organizations

In 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperated with international organizations and foreign countries, organizing a total of 27 events as part of this collaboration.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperated with United Nations agencies, through which various humanitarian and social projects, infrastructure renovation initiatives, business support programs, and refugee assistance efforts were implemented in the republic.

As part of its activities in Prednestrovie, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) provided comprehensive assistance to Ukrainian refugees, their host families, vulnerable groups, and individuals with disabilities. The ICRC’s refugee support efforts included mental health protection and psychosocial assistance, protection of family ties, one-time individual cash assistance, and coverage of medical procedure expenses.

During the reporting period, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitated the development and implementation of diplomatic contacts with representatives of foreign states. In particular, meetings were organized and held between the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and:

Christopher W. Smith is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Eastern Europe (EE) and Policy and Regional Affairs (PRA) in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs;

Dorota Dlouchy-Suliga, the head of the Division of the European External Action Service for Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus;

Jānis Mažeiks, the Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Moldova;

Fern Horine, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Republic of Moldova;

Kent Logsdon, the Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Moldova;

Cynthia Cook, the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires to the Republic of Moldova, Daniela DiPierro, and the Acting Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Moldova;

Kevin Covert, the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires to the Republic of Moldova.

The main focus of the Head of State’s discussions with foreign diplomats was on issues related to the negotiation process, economic and foreign trade challenges, restrictive measures imposed by the Republic of Moldova on Pridnestrovian businesses and residents, violations of the rights of Pridnestrovians by Moldova, as well as the preservation of peace and security.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintained contacts with diplomatic missions and international organizations. In particular, meetings were held between the ministry’s leadership and the Ambassadors of the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Denmark, as well as with an OSCE delegation led by Catherine Fearon, the Deputy Director of the OSCE Secretariat’s Conflict Prevention Centre. During these meetings, discussions focused on the state of Moldova-Pridnestrovie relations, with an emphasis on security issues, violations of Pridnestrovian citizens’ rights related to detentions and deportations at Chisinau Airport, Moldova’s restrictive measures against Pridnestrovian businesses, including the imposition of customs duties on economic agents, as well as humanitarian aspects in the context of refugees arriving in the republic.

As part of the cooperation with international organizations, a series of meetings were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with representatives from the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in the Republic of Moldova and relevant UN system organizations. These included the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the UN Development Programme, and the International Organization for Migration. The dialogue with the UN agency representatives focused on issues of systemic communication, humanitarian support for the population, with an emphasis on vulnerable groups and refugees, and the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

As part of the ongoing efforts to assist refugees, meetings were held with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the French organization ACTED.

The practical implementation of the project for the removal of harmful chemicals from Pridnestrovie for subsequent disposal has begun. Organizational and administrative support for this initiative is provided by the OSCE Mission, with Germany, Norway, and Ireland acting as donors. In 2024, 110 tons of polychlorinated biphenyls were removed from the premises of CJSC Factory Moldavizolit and the State Unitary Enterprise GK Dnesterenegro for disposal through incineration at a specialized facility in Europe. Additionally, with the assistance of the OSCE Mission, on October 30, approximately 5 tons of spent low-current sources (batteries) were removed from the temporary storage of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Spetsavtokhoziaistvo of Tiraspol for disposal outside of Pridnestrovie.

During the reporting period, Pridnestrovie received indirect technical and humanitarian assistance amounting to approximately 6.6 million US dollars. In particular, projects were registered in the areas of infrastructure, healthcare, culture, social support for the population, as well as assistance to refugees and the families hosting them.

IV. Ensuring Foreign Economic Activity

In 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ support for Pridnestrovian Foreign Economic Affairs was associated with overcoming the negative consequences of the new pressure measures imposed by the Republic of Moldova.

During a series of meetings and official correspondence with participants of the “5+2” negotiation format, the unjustified nature of customs duties and environmental pollution fees imposed on Pridnestrovian economic agents was noted. These actions violate the right of Pridnestrovie to independently establish and maintain foreign economic relations, including duty-free trade regimes, which is guaranteed by the agreements of the negotiation process and international free trade principles.

With the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an informational online presentation on the topic “Implementation of Customs Duties by the Republic of Moldova: Current Damage, Risks, and Threats” was organized on March 5, 2024, for representatives of foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Chisinau.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued to assist industrial enterprises in Pridnestrovie with the export of finished products in the context of Moldova’s illegitimate demands for confirmation that the manufactured goods do not belong to the category of ‘dual-use’ items.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided assistance to major Pridnestrovian producers of alcoholic beverages in obtaining the necessary permits for the production and export of domestic strong alcoholic drinks.

During the reporting period, two meetings of Expert (Working) Groups on economic issues took place, as well as one meeting of specialists on phytosanitary and veterinary medicine matters, during which the parties agreed to exchange information in a timely manner about the conduct of inspection activities at enterprises whose products are subject to phytosanitary or veterinary control.

V. Public Information Activity Direction

During the reporting period, the work of the Public Communications Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs focused on providing high-quality and accessible information to both the Pridnestrovian and international public about the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR in implementing the foreign policy course of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

The official online resources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR remain a key source of up-to-date and relevant information about the republic's foreign policy activities. The total number of visits to the ministry’s website was approximately 73,800, with an average daily number of visits (on weekdays) around 250.

In 2024, the official website of the PMR Ministry of Foreign Affairs published 78 news articles, 22 interviews, and 9 statements and comments from the leadership and press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR. Interviews were organized with the head of the Ministry for such popular media outlets as Russia 24, RIA Novosti, Izvestia, IA Baltews, RTVI, Financial Times, and Sputnik Moldova. Employees of the Public Communications Department participated in organizing the VII Congress of Deputies of all levels of the PMR and prepared materials for the speech of the Head of the Official Representation of the PMR in the Russian Federation at the UN Human Rights Council sessions.

The work on social media platforms Facebook and Twitter, as well as messengers Telegram and Viber, continues on a systematic basis. Information posted on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is duplicated in an adapted form on social media and messenger platforms (taking into account the technical features of each), with exclusive content also being published there. The average reach of PMR MFA posts on social platforms exceeds one thousand people, with the maximum reach exceeding ten thousand. Special attention is given to video content. During the reporting period, 16 video stories were posted on the official MFA website and on the platform’s YouTube account.

VI. Peacekeeping and security

Throughout 2024, the Joint Control Commission (JCC), comprising delegations from Pridnestrovie, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Moldova, continued its regular work in the presence of representatives from Ukraine and the OSCE Mission in Moldova. Due to the Moldovan delegation’s ongoing refusal to sign the final protocols of JCC meetings over the past two and a half years, the commission has focused on reviewing the weekly reports of the Joint Military Command on the situation in the Security Zone and addressing organizational issues. Given the absence of final JCC protocols, the JCC working groups on border structures in the Security Zone and law enforcement cooperation in the Security Zone remain blocked.

The negative stance of the Moldovan leadership toward the peacekeeping mission on the Dniester, along with periodic provocative statements, continues to have an adverse impact on the peacekeeping process. Certain officials of the Republic of Moldova make public declarations calling for the withdrawal of Russian troops as a precondition for initiating the political settlement process, which demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the guiding documents of the peacekeeping operation, as well as the actual situation in the Security Zone and in relations between the parties as a whole.

Chisinau’s political stance objectively influences the approaches of the Moldovan delegation in the JCC, which systematically takes steps to disrupt and disorganize the planned work of peacekeeping mechanisms. Additionally, the delegation makes critical statements regarding the effectiveness of the peacekeeping mission on the Dniester during commission meetings. The obstruction of the commission’s regular work, despite the existence of several compromise JCC draft decisions, is largely driven by the political directives of Moldova’s top leadership, which are conveyed through the Moldovan component of the JCC.

In 2024, Moldova increased the frequency of military exercises involving NATO countries, including at the Bulboaca training ground, allowing military equipment to enter the Security Zone. In practice, exercises are conducted continuously both within Moldova and abroad (at least 18 in 2024). Simultaneously, NATO countries are supplying Moldova with military equipment, ammunition, and gear, as well as allocating financial resources for the militarization of the neighboring state, which objectively leads to an escalation in relations between the parties. However, regular JCC meetings and the effective functioning of the Joint Military Command help maintain control and manageability of the situation directly within the Security Zone.

The sabotage involving the destruction of a helicopter at one of Pridnestrovie’s military units in March 2024, as well as the attack on a radio tower in the Rybnitsa district of the PMR in April, were not discussed within the JCC, given the commission’s competencies. However, Pridnestrovie’s approach and openness have so far helped prevent destabilization at this stage.

The JCC did not record the cases of UAVs found in Moldovan settlements in the fall, despite the relevant initiatives of the Pridnestrovian side.

On November 3, Pridnestrovian representatives in the JCC, together with members of the OSCE Mission in Moldova, assisted in resolving issues related to the freedom of movement of the population on the day of electoral processes in Moldova. Despite the partial involvement of peacekeeping mechanisms (the deployment of military observers was blocked by the Moldovan side), Moldova imposed a number of restrictions. However, overall, an escalation of the security situation was avoided.

Throughout the year, the JCC conducted scheduled inspections of the readiness of peacekeeping posts for duty, recorded and documented information on the confiscation of weapons and ammunition from the population, and oversaw efforts to dispose of munitions found in the Security Zone, primarily from the Great Patriotic War.

During the reporting period, the Pridnestrovian delegation in the JCC issued a series of statements and appeals regarding key aspects of the situation in the Security Zone and the functioning of the peacekeeping mission’s governing bodies. In particular, these addressed issues such as the inadmissibility of restricting the rights of the population and calls for the transformation of the peacekeeping operation, as well as the obstruction of the JCC’s work through the refusal to sign meeting protocols. Additionally, the delegation called for the removal of barriers to the economic activities of Pridnestrovian industrial enterprises, including those located in the Security Zone.

The Pridnestrovian Co-Chair of the JCC and JCC members have repeatedly made significant statements on pressing issues of interaction between the parties. These included concerns about obstacles to the return of PMR residents via Chisinau Airport, military exercises and the movement of Moldovan military equipment in the Security Zone, border crossing procedures for the PMR, the operation of polling stations during the Russian presidential elections, the discovery and disposal of munitions in the Security Zone, Moldovan airborne troops exercises in the airspace over the Security Zone, the escalation of tensions in the Security Zone on November 3, 2024, and other key matters.

During the reporting period, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pridnestrovie continued its efforts aimed at providing political and diplomatic support for the peacekeeping operation, including assistance in the public-expert, scientific, and information fields. The topic of the unique effectiveness and legitimacy of the peacekeeping operation on the Dniester, as well as the need for its preservation and organizational and political-diplomatic support, is systematically discussed by the country’s leadership and the PMR Ministry of Foreign Affairs during international meetings, based on initiatives and proposals developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The VII Congress of Deputies of All Levels, held in Tiraspol on February 28, 2024, expressed support for the peacekeeping mission and highlighted Russia’s unique role as a guarantor of security in its declaration, resolution, and appeals.

Significant attention to the retrospective and current situation in the peacekeeping process was given during a week-long series of events organized by the state university, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the beginning of political negotiations between Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova. In his keynote lecture, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR stated that the signing of the agreement on July 21, 1992, laid the foundation for the launch of political negotiations: “The value of the peacekeeping mechanism for the political settlement process has been repeatedly confirmed thereafter”.

In July 2024, the Pridnestrovian representatives of the JCC contributed to the organization and holding of a series of festive events dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the deployment of peacekeeping forces in the Security Zone.  The topic of the peacekeeping operation was repeatedly discussed in interviews with the leadership of Pridnestrovie, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

VII. International legal and interagency-legal support

Within its competence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pridnestrovie carries out work aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests, as well as providing comprehensive assistance to the citizens of the PMR and foreign nationals.

During the reporting period, over 150 applications from applicants were submitted to the Consular and Legal Affairs Department on the following issues:

– acquisition and renunciation of PMR citizenship; 

– applying Russian citizenship; 

– replacement of the Russian international passport; 

– registration for the Russian maternity capital program; 

– procedure for crossing the state border of the PMR; 

– procedure for entering and staying in the PMR; 

– activities of the PMR Representative Office in Moscow; 

– visiting Pridnestrovie for tourism purposes; 

– recognition of documents issued by Pridnestrovian authorities on the territory of Russia; 

– temporary residence permit in the PMR; 

– procedure for obtaining a residence permit in the PMR; 

– legalization of foreign documents; 

– replacement of PMR driver’s licenses outside the republic; 

– appointment for replacing the Russian international passport through the electronic queue system; 

– assistance in processing relevant payments/benefits for the relatives of military personnel who were killed (or went missing) during the Special Military Operation (SMO).

Moreover, regular telephone consultations with citizens were held on other matters. 

Upon requests from the Russian side, work was carried out to confirm the issuance of driver’s licenses in the territory of Pridnestrovie (more than 30).

In cooperation with the Official Representation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in Moscow, issues related to obtaining various documents issued by the authorities of Pridnestrovie were resolved based on requests from Pridnestrovian citizens residing in Russia. 

Frequent inquiries addressed to the Representation include matters of protecting the rights and legal interests of Pridnestrovian citizens, the recognition/non-recognition of Pridnestrovian documents, the calculation of work experience and pension entitlements, obtaining a certificate of Pridnestrovian citizenship status, a criminal record certificate, as well as passports and driver's licenses of the Pridnestrovian Republic.

Special attention was given to the organization of consular work. 

Assistance in receiving citizens on legalization matters was provided on a regular basis.

From January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024, the Consular and Legal Department of the MFA of Pridnestrovie received 5,045 applications from citizens and legal entities (a total of 7,532 documents). 

Of these, 12 requests concerned the legalization of constituent documents and powers of attorney for representing company interests issued by the competent authorities (or their officials) of a foreign state, 6 requests involved documents intended for use outside the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, and 40 required a special notation.

To prevent the use of forged documents and to protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, the staff of the Consular and Legal Department, in accordance with established procedures, requested information from the country of origin of the documents to confirm their issuance (Russia, Moldova, Ukraine).

Alongside this, the MFA of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic continued its work on preparing information for various state authorities, including investigative and law enforcement agencies, regarding the legalization of founding documents and powers of attorney issued by foreign authorities, primarily for companies registered in offshore zones. 

As part of the domestic legal support of the MFA’s activities, draft regulatory legal acts were reviewed and approved (54 during the reporting period).

During the reporting period, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs developed draft Decrees of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, as well as Resolutions and Orders of the Government of Pridnestrovie. 

For internal legal regulation, 11 orders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were prepared. 

As part of state procurement procedures, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR concluded a number of contracts for internal administrative activities (over 70 during the reporting period).