Archive - 2/2021



Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR hosted the meeting between Pridnestrovian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vitaly Ignatiev with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova Klaus Neukirch.



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs got acquainted with the information that starting from September 1 current year, Ukraine plans to introduce a movement ban on its territory for vehicles registered in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; an exception would make vehicles with neutral license plates.



The Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting of Vitaly Ignatiev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR with Vitaly Tryapitsyn, the Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Andrei Gorobtsov, the Co-Chairman of the JCC from the Russian Federation attended the meeting as well.


A videoconference meeting of Expert (Working) Group on Education Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova took place today.

As part of the communication, the parties discussed ways to solve some of the difficulties associated with the use of apostilled diplomas of PSU named after T.G. Shevchenko, certain functioning aspects for schools teaching in the Romanian language and located in Pridnestrovie during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as other educational issues of interest to the parties.



The Russian delegation is paying official mission visit to Pridnestrovie. It is headed by Vitaly Tryapitsyn, the Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, who represents Russia in the Pridnestrovian-Moldovan negotiation process. In this capacity, the Russian diplomat is visiting the republic for the first time, but in general, his visits to Pridnestrovie, as well as participation in the negotiations, are of a systemic nature.



A videoconference meeting of expert (working) groups on health took place today. With the participation of representatives of the World Health Organization, the parties discussed practical interaction in the framework of vaccinating Pridnestrovian citizens against COVID-19.



Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR hosted an online reporting board conference meeting, dedicated to summing up the results of department's work in 2020.



The Pridnestrovian Foreign Ministry hosted the meeting of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR and Vitaly Yankovsky, the Head of the Official Representative Office of the Republic of South Ossetia in the PMR.



The Pridnestrovian Ministry of Foreign Affairs keeps receiving information that on the Ukrainian-Pridnestrovian border, at the Kuchurgany check point, the Republic of Moldova’s border officials are spreading rumors that allegedly, starting from March 15, current year, the movement of Pridnestrovian vehicles, except from those possessing neutral plates, will be limited.