Archive - 2024



Today, on the initiative of the United Nations, a meeting between PMR Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandr Stetsiuk and a UN delegation headed by Peace and Development Advisor Kristin Jenssen was held at the Foreign Ministry.

The dialogue focused on the current situation in the negotiation process, as well as the difficulties in the foreign economic activity of Pridnestrovian enterprises resulting from the new customs duties imposed by Moldova on 1 January this year. Possible scenarios of further developments were considered.


Vitaly Ignatiev and Oleg Serebrian met at the Office of the OSCE Mission to Moldova in the presence of mediators and observers.

Opening the first meeting since 20 June last year, the PMR Foreign Minister criticized Moldova’s measures to claim customs duties from Pridnestrovian enterprises stressing the interest in maintaining conditions for peaceful dialogue. In that regard, approaches of the OSCE Head of Mission were supported who noted that fair communication reduces the risks of escalation.



The beginning of 2024 is marked for Pridnestrovian participants of foreign trade by new difficulties imposed by Moldova. Reports came about the demand to pay customs duties not levied before. The situation was discussed at a meeting with the PMR President. Alexander Rosenberg, Chairman of the PMR Government, Sergey Obolonik, his deputy - Minister of Economic Development, Valentin Grabco, head of the PMR State Customs Committee, and Vitaly Ignatiev, head of the republic’s foreign ministry, took part in the working discussion.


The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

I turn to the leadership of the Republic of Moldova.

The reason for my address to you was that Pridnestrovian entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities learned about new duties introduced by the customs of the Republic of Moldova for our subjects of foreign economic activity at the beginning of January, on the New Year holidays. In other words, Moldova imposed certain duties on Pridnestrovie. Would you say it was a shock for us? Probably not. Was it unexpected? Probably true. It was unexpected.



The PMR Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received information that the relevant authorities of the Republic of Moldova, in response to appeals from citizens interested in registering their cars in the VRO, notify in writing that this process has been suspended allegedly by decision of the Pridnestrovian side.
