Archive - 7/2024

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Today, after a year and a half break, a meeting of the Pridnestrovian and Moldovan expert (working) groups on legal, regulatory and documentary support for citizens was held in the videoconference format to discuss the current points of concern in this field.

In the course of the dialogue, the Pridnestrovian side reiterated its openness to setting up a mutually acceptable mechanism for the exchange of information between the civil registry authorities and the archival services in order to simplify procedures in the best interests of citizens.



The Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting between PMR Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandr Stetsiuk and representatives of the International Organization for Migration.

As the diplomat underscored, a continuous open dialogue with the IOM and other UN family agencies is essential to promote their activities on the territory of Pridnestrovie.

The sides exchanged views on social and humanitarian project activities, including support for refugees from Ukraine, combating human trafficking and domestic violence, as well as aid to socially vulnerable groups.



A meeting of the commission for foreign policy and international relations was held at the PMR Supreme Council. The topic of discussion was the OSCE PA Resolution containing false information about the situation in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.     


Today, the meeting of expert (working) groups on economic issues took place at the initiative of the Pridnestrovian side via videoconference.
The agenda of the meeting proposed by Pridnestrovie centered on new economic problems predicted in the light of Moldova’s destructive steps. 



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic lodges a strong protest against the false accusations and biased assessments set out in the text of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s resolution, which have nothing to do with the real situation in Pridnestrovie.



We have familiarized ourselves with the opinion of officials from the office of the political representative of the Republic of Moldova expressed in the media who described the Declaration of Commitment to peaceful methods of conflict settlement put forward by Pridnestrovie for signature as an allegedly “provocative” initiative.



Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandr Stetsiuk met with a delegation of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Welcoming the guests, the PMR Deputy Foreign Minister emphasized the long-standing project activity of the UNDP marked by its practical focus, and stated Pridnestrovie’s willingness to continue cooperation.
In the course of the meeting, the interlocutors reviewed the results of the activities implemented by UNDP in Pridnestrovie during the first six months of the current year, and discussed plans for further work in 2024.