Foreign Minister Participates in a Meeting of the Commission on Foreign Policy and International Relations of the PMR Supreme Council


A meeting of the commission for foreign policy and international relations was held at the PMR Supreme Council. The topic of discussion was the OSCE PA Resolution containing false information about the situation in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.     
Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev said that the interest of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly participants in the actual events in Pridnestrovie tends to zero. Its representatives haven’t visited the republic since 2018 and as such prefer to ignore the numerous restrictions of the rights and freedoms of Pridnestrovians by the Republic of Moldova. The diplomat stressed that the Foreign Ministry assesses the OSCE PA resolution as complicity in the hybrid war against Pridnestrovie, which grossly contradicts objectives of the Organization, namely promoting security and cooperation in Europe.
“We condemn these destructive actions. They hinder common efforts aimed at preserving peace and stability and contradict the plans of the OSCE Chairpersonship-in-Office, which states that it aims at resolving problems at the negotiating table and expresses gratitude to the Pridnestrovian leadership for its constructive and consistent approach to the negotiation process, openness and initiative, peace and security,” Vitaly Ignatiev said.
Vitaly Ignatiev informed that the Pridnestrovian Foreign Ministry had sent an appeal to the OSCE PA leadership, in which it had reiterated its openness to dialogue, including within the visit of the OSCE PA delegation, in order to form a balanced, objective and unbiased position on the real situation in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.