Archive - 28/2/2014

On the Meeting of the Permanent Conference in Vienna, February 27-28, 2014
Today, Vienna saw the first meeting of the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process under Swiss-Serbian OSCE Chairmanship.

Nina Shtanski on the Situation with the Moldovan Latin-Script Schools
In the course of the “Permanent Conference …” in Vienna the participants discussed possible steps which would allow moving forward in order to resolve complex issues of operation of Romanian-language schools under the Republic of Moldova.

PMR’S MFA Hosted a Delegation of the European Diplomats
Today, PMR’s MFA hosted a meeting between Vitaliy Ignatiev, Deputy Foreign Minister and a delegation of the Ambassadors-at-large for policy issues of the EU Eastern Partnership.

The Participants of “5+2” Format Discussed an Issue on the Revision of all Arrangements Signed Earlier
The political representative of Pridnestrovie Nina Shtansky highly appreciated the readiness of the current Chairmanship to initiate revision of arrangements signed between the sides during the negotiation process.


Participants to the “Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of the Negotiating Process for Pridnestrovian Settlement” in the 5+2 format appreciate legislation amendments under the Law No. 232 adopted by the Republic of Moldova on October 11, 2013 and entered into force on November 8, 2013, and consider that this decision is a significant contribution to the process of ensuring the free movement of people.