Archive - 9/12/2019


The Foreign Ministry of the PMR read the statement of the OSCE Ministerial Summit in Bratislava on the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian settlement process in the 5+2 format.

The range of trite formulations repetition in the declaration demonstrates a certain inertia of the approach and does not reflect the real reasons for the negotiation process stagnation in 2019, due to Moldova’s refusal to implement the set of commitments and the failure to sign the Bratislava Protocol to discredit the 5+2 international format.


The PMR’s Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev gave an interview to Mr. Eiki Berg, Tartu University Professor (Estonia), and his colleague Kristel Vits. The scientists showed interest in a wide range of topics, including the Pridnestrovian trade with the EU, certain aspects of relations with the Republic of Moldova and geopolitical context of the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian settlement process. Political and legal prerequisites for the Pridnestrovian state formation were also part of discussion.