Striving for a soonest possible and full settlement of relations between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie through peaceful, political means only,
recognizing principles and norms of international law, proceeding from provisions of agreements reached earlier,
showing good will in the name of peace and stability in this region of Europe,
The Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie have agreed to build up a democratic legal federal state, to be established on the basis of agreements, whose policy should be aimed at creation of conditions securing deserved life and free development of a person.
The sides confirm their commitment to agreements reached earlier in the negotiating process and have agreed, while working out, a final document to use proposals presented earlier by the sides and the mediators.
Along with it, the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie have agreed to take as a basis for working out a document on comprehensive settlement of the Pridnestrovien issue the concept of federalization, proposed in the draft document, submitted to the sides on July 2, 2002 during the Kiev meeting of \"the Permanent Council on Political Issues in the Framework of the Transdniestrian Settlement Negotiating Process\".
For Pridnestrovie
For the Russian Federation
For Ukraine
For the OSCE
December 5, 2002
The representative of the Republic of Moldova has rejected to put his signature under this document