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Agreement on Confidence Measures and Development of Contacts 

between Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie

The leadership of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, proceeding from the provisions, set down in the Memorandum on the Bases for Normalization of Relations between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie of 8 May 1997, in statements of the Presidents of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, striving to bring closer a complete settlement of the conflict, with a view to creating an atmosphere conducive to the re-establishment of mutual understanding and the facilitation of contacts between people, have agreed to implement the following measures without delay :
First. Within a period of two months to reduce the numerical composition of the peacekeeping forces of the Republic of Moldova and of the Pridnestrovian region in the security zone down to approximately 500 military men from each side together with their military equipment and arms.
Second. In co-ordination with the Joint Military Command to reduce the number of stationary checkpoints and posts of the Joint Peacekeeping Force, replacing them by mobile patrolling.
Third. Within a month the Joint Control Commission (JCC) is to submit an analysis of the fulfillment of the Agreement on Principles of the Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict of 21 July 1992 with a view to outlining measures to secure the complete implementation of its provisions and a lessening of the military confrontation in the security zone taking into account its stage-by-stage demilitarization. Proceeding from this perspective, the Parties support the proposal to despatch into the security zone Ukrainian peace-keepers (at the present moment - monitors).
Fourth. The Commission for Co-ordination and Safeguarding of the Process of Negotiations within two months shall work out coordinated proposals concerning the stage-by-stage reduction of the number of border posts between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie together with other measures with the purpose of establishing a regime that favors the movement of people, commodities and services.
Fifth. Before the 1st of May of the current year to bring into operation the vehicular bridge across the Dniester river in the area of the city of Dubossar, after determining a mechanism for ensuring the necessary security measures in the framework of the JCC.
To create the necessary conditions for carrying out reconstruction and the earliest bringing into operation of the vehicular bridge in the area of the settlement of Gura Bicului.
Sixth. The Parties will actively contribute to the earliest withdrawal from Pridnestrovie of excess Russian military equipment. They welcome the readiness of Ukraine to provide transit of the given equipment across its territory.
Seventh. Within a month the Parties will create a joint working group for the working out of a complex program to combat illegal trafficking of drugs and arms organized by criminals.
Eighth. The Parties will refrain from steps leading to a propaganda and informational confrontation; they will objectively inform about the course of the process of the Pridnestrovie an settlement talks.
Ninth. The Parties will establish joint programs to support investment projects, to reconstruct industrial enterprises, electric power objects, to liquidate the consequences of natural calamities and to protect the environment.
Tenth. The Parties confirm their commitment to strictly observe and to directly protect human rights and freedoms in compliance with the principles and norms of international law.
The Russian Federation and Ukraine as guarantor-states proclaim their readiness to assist in every way the implementation of this Agreement.
The Parties highly appreciate the intermediary activity of the OSCE on questions of a Pridnestrovian settlement.

For the Republic of Moldova                          For Pridnestrovie

P. Lucinschi                                                     I. Smirnov


For the Russian Federation                                       For Ukraine

V. Chernomyrdin                                                     L. Kuchma


In the Presence of Head of the OSCE Mission

John M. Evans



Representatives of the Presidents of Russia and Ukraine, the Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova,  noting the importance of a complete and unconditional fulfilment of the Odessa agreements welcome the concrete steps of the leadership of the Republic of Moldova aimed at the consolidation of measures of mutual trust.
The withdrawal of a part of the Moldovan contingent of the peacekeeping forces with their organic military equipment and armament gives evidence of the adherence of Chisinau to its commitments.
This contributes to the continuation of the process for a final and just settlement of the Pridnestrovian problem. We express firm hope that the leadership of Pridnestrovie will take similar constructive steps towards a complete implementation of the commitments undertaken in Odessa this year with the participation of leaders of the guarantor-states and Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova.
We are convinced that only on the basis of goodwill is possible a successful conclusion of a Pridnestrovie an settlement. 
Representative of the President Representative of the President

Head of the of Russia                         of Ukraine                          OSCE Mission

I. Morozoff                                        E. Levitskii                                 J. Evans

21 November, 1998