On October 14, 2010, the Russia's Nezavisimaya gazeta (Independent Newspaper) saw the publication of the article of Ms. Gamova titled Moscow prepares honorary surrender of Pridnestroviededicated to specific aspects of the cooperation between the Russian Federation and the European Union in the context of Moldova-Pridnestrovie settlement. Sharing in general the author's concern over the possible dynamics of the situation in this region of Europe, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR wants to point out several discrepancies made by Ms. Gamova's while interpreting position of the PMR's Foreign Minister.
Thus, in the course of the interview the Minister was asked about the peacekeeping operation and about the possibility for the EU and the USA to change their status in the negotiations on the Moldova-Pridnestrovie settlement. It was in respect to the issue about the status of the EU and the USA – but not to the issue of conducting the peacekeeping operation – that Vladimir Yastrebchak stated that no concrete proposals were made by the European Union and the United States of America regarding this matter, and that there is no possibility to change the status of observers at the OSCE summit in Astana. In view of the Pridnestrovian side, it is possible to change the status of the EU and the USA only by consensus of the sides to the conflict, i.e. the Republic of Moldova and the Pridnestrovien Moldavian Republic and within the same format that the corresponding rights and obligations had been approved.
As for the current peacekeeping operation, all its aspects have been settled by the signed agreements and statements of the sides, guarantors and mediators. As a result, the Pridnestrovian side is not intended to consider any “external” initiatives in this sphere.