Situation concerning cessation of natural gas supplies to Pridnestrovie

On January 6, 2009, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovien Moldavian Republic sent appeals to the Russian and Ukrainian sides, as well as to the Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova and the EU Special Representative, informing the foreign diplomats on the situation concerning cessation of natural gas supplies to Pridnestrovie, which resulted in the stoppage of hot-water supply and gradual reducing of temperatures in the heating systems. The appeals said that “these actions would affect every single Pridnestrovien citizen, including the most vulnerable strata of the population – children, women, old people, patients of healthcare institutions and others, who will soon be left without heating, despite the increasing temperature drop.” As a result, this turn of events will lead to a humanitarian catastrophe, with those being responsible who left without heating, in the freezing flats and wards, hundreds of thousands of people.  Given the abrupt temperature drop in Europe and proceeding from the inadmissibility of further human rights violations of the people of the Pridnestrovien Moldavian Republic, the Pridnestrovien MFA appealed to the Ukrainian, Russian, OSCE, and the European Union representatives to assist in the soonest possible resolution of the situation, and immediate resumption of Russian natural gas supplies to Pridnestrovie.