Comment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic


The PMR Foreign Ministry is receiving numerous appeals from citizens, public associations and representatives of civil society provoked by recent statements made by Moldovan and European officials about Pridnestrovie in light of the EU membership referendum set to take place in Moldova on 20 October this year.

We have patiently waited and thoughtfully analyzed the steps taken in preparation for this plebiscite, hoping that the voice of citizens living in Pridnestrovie would be equally important.

Since the announcement of the referendum late last year, Pridnestrovie has remained open to discussions of the voting parameters for our residents.                                                                                                                                  We expected Moldova to take appropriate measures to ensure that, in accordance with the democratic principles and procedures, all Pridnestrovians, regardless of their civil and legal status, have the opportunity to express their opinion on the matter that impacts their future.

However, all these years Moldova has demonstrated a standard approach, deliberately excluding Pridnestrovian residents from actual participation in its political life. In the past year, the Moldovan government has made no effort to initiate a dialogue regarding the referendum. It is clear that Chișinău has no regard for our citizens or their opinions, but is readily exploiting the narrative of its “concern” for the rights of Pridnestrovians.

Unlike the neighboring country, the sovereignty of Pridnestrovie was created by the will of the people, with the main aim to protect and ensure its interests. For this reason, all crucial decisions for the Republic were taken through a transparent and democratic procedure of the nation-wide vote. As a result, seven referendums have been conducted in the modern history of Pridnestrovie.

In view of Moldova’s plans to ignore the position of the Pridnestrovian people, without even trying to propose the opening of polling stations in Pridnestrovie, we believe it’s quite possible to hold a referendum on our territory to learn the real attitude of all Pridnestrovians towards the European Union. This event can certainly be arranged based on the agreements between the parties, involving observers, including international ones, and with the willingness of the international community to consider the opinion of the Pridnestrovian population.

Enough time has passed to realize a simple truth – a fair and lasting settlement to a conflict cannot be achieved if people’s views are disregarded.