Vitaly Ignatiev Meets with the Ambassadors of Belgium and Denmark



Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pridnestrovie Vitaly Ignatiev received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium, Mr Evert Maréchal, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Denmark, Mr Søren Jensen.


During the discussion, Vitaly Ignatiev provided a comprehensive assessment of the history of origin and current situation in the Moldova-Pridnestrovie settlement. Pridnestrovie and Moldova existed as a single entity only during the short historical period as part of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic, the formation of which is legally and constitutionally recognized as illegitimate in modern Moldova. Therefore, unlike other territorial conflicts, Chisinau itself created clear legal basis for the independence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

The Minister emphasized that the Pridnestrovian side has never refused to engage in negotiations with the neighboring country. Thus, since 2020, the President of Pridnestrovie has sent at least seven letters to the head of Moldova with an invitation to dialogue. Yet, because of the unwillingness of the Moldovan side, the communication is taking place only at the level of political representatives and experts from both sides, but its dynamics and effectiveness could be significantly better.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs particularly stressed that Pridnestrovie constantly advocates for a peaceful resolution of all issues. In line with this approach, the proposal to sign a declaration of commitment to peaceful methods in the settlement was put forward. According to the Minister, this initiative is of special relevance today, given the militarization processes in Moldova and its increased pressure on Pridnestrovie. He particularly pointed to the restrictions on the import of medicines and medical equipment into Pridnestrovie, the imposition of customs duties on Pridnestrovian economic agents, and the export ban of products of enterprises. Vitaly Ignatiev also mentioned the repressive mechanism created in Moldova to prosecute the Pridnestrovian citizens by adopting the so-called “law on separatism”, as well as the abandonment of the mechanism for mutual guarantees for officials from both sides.

Vitaly Ignatiev noted the reduced commodity turnover of Pridnestrovie, including with the EU countries, is one of the negative ramifications of Moldova’s restrictions. He added that actions of the Moldovan leadership taken under the pretext of EU integration are far from the European approaches. As such, Chisinau has done much to discredit the image of the EU for the Pridnestrovian people.

“These actions impede normal cooperation with Moldova. At a time of global instability, we have the potential to offer an alternative and positive example of constructive, non-conflict interaction. There are many directions where solutions can be achieved, but Chisinau refuses to follow that path, increasing pressure instead”, the Foreign Minister said.

As he further noted, the Pridnestrovian side would like to see a more proactive stance from the EU as one of the participants of the international negotiating process. , he recalled the positive experience of practical interaction between Pridnestrovie and European structures.

Speaking about the prospects for conflict resolution, Vitaly Ignatiev pointed out that the only scenario to ensure lasting peace, stability, and security of people is to recognize in law the status quo that has developed over the past 34 years ago, with two completely different entities in terms of structure and organization on the territory of the former MSSR. In his view, the restoration of this former republic cannot be prioritized over the interests of the whole nation, which, in compliance with all international norms, has legitimately chosen and is pursuing the course of independent development.

The impact of regional factors on Pridnestrovie, including the reception of refugees, increased terrorist threat and others issues were also discussed during the meeting.