Dmitry Medoev's Congratulations on the Anniversary of Signing the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Pridnestrovie and South Ossetia


Dear Mr. Ignatiev,

I herewith present my compliments and have the honor to convey sincere congratulations on the fourth anniversary of signing the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and South Ossetia.

In the context of the system of international relations’ changing configuration, the updated Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership signed on September 20, 2016, brought traditional bilateral ties to a new comprehensive level. This document serves as a reliable support and a solid legal basis for the further dynamic development of cooperation between Tskhinvali and Tiraspol in the interests of peace and prosperity of our fraternal peoples.

I am sincerely convinced that the commitment to promote political dialogue will continue contributing to comprehensive Ossetian-Pridnestrovian relations strengthening and diversification based on mutual trust and support.

Dear, Mr. Ignatiev, I take this opportunity and have the honor to renew my assurances of high consideration and send you and all the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic’s employees wishes of happiness, good health, stability and prosperity.


Highest respect,

Dmitry Medoev