We took note of the dubious PR campaign of Moldova’s political representative in the form of a press conference on the results and recommendations following the WHO delegation’s visit to Pridnestrovie on May 6.
As it is known, Pridnestrovie has many years of positive experience in direct cooperation with authorized representatives and structures of the United Nations, including the World Health Organization. It can be stated with ample evidence that neither the Pridnestrovian side, nor WHO itself needs such a specific “mediator” represented by a Moldovan official who has repeatedly been caught in destructive propaganda and politicizing the fight against the pandemic.
At the same time, we share Ms. Lesnic’s “concerns” regarding the pandemic situation in Moldova which has significantly deteriorated posing threat to the public safety and health. Attempts by Moldovan political representative to somehow draw attention to her personality by joining the bilateral agenda of expert cooperation between WHO and Pridnestrovie, which Chisinau has nothing to do with, are inappropriate against public recognition by Moldovan authorities of the problems in the health system unable to cope with COVID-19 containment.
Moldova's daily anti-records in the number of infected (10 times more than in the PMR) and deaths, including a terrifying increase in the number of infected health workers (more than 18% of the total), manipulations with statistics, regular scandals around hospital conditions and patients care, contradictory administrative to-and-fro with imposing and easing lockdown restrictions - there are more than enough grounds for Moldovan officials to finally come to grips with their problems.
Complaints voiced by Moldova's political representative about the alleged lack of consultations of the Pridnestrovian medical workers with the Moldovan colleagues are not true. Professional interaction is regular. However, the whole range of Moldova's problems in the fight against the pandemic cannot be resolved through meetings and consultations only. This requires that all resources are mobilized, responsible management decisions are timely adopted and a system of constant state control over their implementation is put in place.
Given the lessons learned and the pandemic situation normalization in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, we suggest that the political representative of the Republic of Moldova promptly provide Moldovan relevant specialists with the Pridnestrovian recommendations on countering COVID-19 sent to her as far back as April 4.
Pridnestrovie does not need a third-party biased assessment of the pandemic response efficiency, based on a competent opinion and work experience with WHO, Rospotrebnadzor and other reputable organizations representatives.
We urge the Moldovan side to stop interfering in the medical sphere and its politicization, and concentrate on its own competencies and commitments in the framework of the international negotiation process.