On Customs Experts Meeting to Be Held Tomorrow


Tomorrow, it is planned to hold a video format meeting of expert (working) groups on customs issues initiated by the Pridnestrovian side.

The Pridnestrovian side advocated arranging customs experts’ discussions starting from April 16-17, thus, pressed by international mediators the Republic of Moldova finally accepted the proposal. The fact that the Moldovan side avoided holding the meeting for a month indicates there are undeniable problems within importing vital goods in Pridnestrovie and that there are no arguments for Chisinau’s restrictive measures which caused and continues to cause the “5 + 2” format international participants’ sharp non-acceptance .

In this context, Pridnestrovie is counting on a comprehensive problems discussion on the import of various categories of goods and on transit mechanisms able to allow avoiding further similar delays occurrence.

Recall that information on the whole range of problems associated with the pressure of the Republic of Moldova on Pridnestrovie during the fight against COVID-19 is available in the presentation published on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR’s website.