AGREEMENT on the Principles of a Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Pridnestrovien Region of the Republic of Moldova


The Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova,

Striving for a speedy and complete cease-fire and settlement of the armed conflict in the Pridnestrovien region by peaceful means,

Reaffirming commitment to the principles of the UN Charter and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe;

Welcoming the principal mutual understanding reached on 3 July 1992 between the President of the Russian Federation and the President of the Republic of Moldova, agreed as follows:

Article 1

1. Upon signing of this Agreement, the conflicting Parties undertake to take all necessary measures for complete cessation of fire, as well as of any military actions against each other.

2. Upon cessation of fire, the conflicting Parties shall proceed to withdrawal of the units of their armed forces and other formations, military equipment and weapons and complete this process within seven days. The purpose of this separation is to create a Security Zone between the Parties to the conflict. Specific coordinates of the zone will be determined by a special protocol of the Parties involved in the execution of this Agreement.

Article 2

1. In order to ensure control over implementation of activities, indicated in the Article 1, and in order to guarantee Security Regime in the above mentioned Zone, a Joint Control Commission shall be established consisting of representatives of the three Parties involved in the settlement.

2. In its activity Commission makes use of groups of military observers created in accordance with all previous agreements, including the four-sided ones. Control Commission shall proceed to the fulfillment of the tasks entrusted to it under this Agreement within seven days from the date of signing of the Agreement. Either Party involved in the work of the Commission appoints representatives who become its members. The seat of the Control Commission is the city of Bendery.

3. In order to implement the above specified activities, military contingents created on a voluntary basis and representing the Parties involved in the execution of this Agreement are attached to the Control Commission on the principles of subordination. Placement of these contingents and their use to ensure ceasefire and security in the zone of conflict is carried out in accordance with decisions of the Control Commission on the basis of consensus. The number of its members, status, conditions of entry and withdrawal of military contingents in and from the conflict area are determined by a separate protocol.

4. In cases of violation of conditions of this Agreement, Control Commission shall investigate its circumstances and immediately take appropriate measures to restore peace and order, as well as to prevent similar violations in future.

5. Financing of Control Commission's activity and powers attached to it is carried out by Parties on a shared basis.

Article 3

The City of Bendery, as the seat of the Control Commission and because of a particularly complicated situation is granted the status of a region with a heightened security regime ensured by military contingents of the Parties involved in the execution of this Agreement.  

Control Commission ensures maintenance of law and order in Bendery in collaboration with police and militia units of restricted membership.

Administrative and household activity in the city of Bendery is carried out by acting local government institutions, together with Control Commission, if necessary.

Article 4

Units of the Fourteenth Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation stationed in the Republic of Moldova shall strictly observe neutrality. Both Parties to the conflict shall undertake to respect neutrality and restrain from any forms of unlawful actions towards military property, military men of this army and members of their family.

Issues regarding status of the army, order and dates of its gradual withdrawal shall be specified in the course of negotiations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova.

Article 5

1. The conflicting Parties deem it inadmissible to use any forms of sanctions and blockades. In this context, any impediments to the movement of goods, services and people shall be immediately removed, as well as necessary steps to lift the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Moldova shall be taken.

2. The conflicting Parties shall immediately start negotiations on the settlement of issues relating to return of refugees to the places of their permanent residence, rendering of aid to the population of the affected regions and restoration of economic and residential properties.  The Russian Federation shall render necessary assistance in these activities.

3. The conflicting Parties undertake all measures for unimpeded access of international humanitarian aid to the zone of settlement.

Article 6

In order to disseminate objective information about situation in the zone of settlement, the Parties create joint press center, affiliated with Control Commission.

Article 7

The Parties proceed from the fact that measures envisaged under this Agreement are important integral part of the process of conflict settlement by peaceful political means.

Article 8

This Agreement shall enter into force upon its signing.

This Agreement shall be terminated by consent of the Parties, or in case of withdrawal from Agreement of one of the negotiating Parties, what results in termination of activity of the Control Commission and military contingents attached to it.

Done at Moscow, on 21 July 1992, in Russian and Moldovan, with all texts having equal force.

For the Russian Federation

B. Yeltsin

For the Republic of Moldova

M. Snegur