Comments of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR on Certain Statements, Made in the Framework of Contacts of Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation and Leadership of the Republic of Moldova


In the Pridnestrovien Moldavian Republic paid attention to the number of comments and statements, made in the framework of contacts of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and leadership of the Republic of Moldova.

Though, those statements do not express anything new, nevertheless, we consider their explanation to be the subject of principle importance.

Not putting in doubt the right of one or another participant of different formats of negotiations to express his point of view on prospects and objectives of Moldova-Pridnestrovie settlement, we consider it necessary to remind, that those objectives are not determined by any document of the negotiation process. Therefore, the statements on “territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova” and a certain “status of Pridnestrovie” reflect unilateral approach and are not based on existent political, international and legal realities.

We hope that all participants of the negotiation process, especially intermediaries and guarantors, will follow the principles of equality and respect of decisions, taken by both sides of the conflict. All the more that status of unbiased intermediary and guarantor does not give any legal, political and moral ground to support the position of one of the sides of the conflict and to ignore the position of the other side.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovien Moldavian Republic reminds that the will of people of the PMR was clearly expressed on nationwide referendum, held on September 17, 2006. In connection with this on October 6, 2006 State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation adopted corresponding Decree, which recommended authorized bodies of state power of the RF to take into account in their activity the decision of Pridnestrovien people, taken in correspondence with international standards.

We received evidence, that the attempts to forget about the present Decree, and consequently about the number of analogous documents of Russian Parliament, do not promote the creation of durable system of indivisible security in Europe and respect of inalienable human rights.