On the meeting of the expert (working) groups on ecology


On 28 September 2016 the OSCE Mission office in Bendery hosted a meeting of expert (working) groups on ecology involving representatives of Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova.

The sides discussed issues related to the mechanism of execution and implementation of the June agreements in the field of hydrometeorology, as well as in the field of fisheries management and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources of the Dnester River by relevant agencies of the parties.

In addition, the Pridnestrovian side identified a number of promising proposals that have high relevance in the context of the development and implementation of the practical measures to protect and preserve the ecosystem of the Dniester River.

As the result, the sides agreed to work further on the details of the Pridnestrovian initiative in order to create substantive recommendations for further discussion at the next meeting.