In connection with numerous inquiries received by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR about the prospects for holding a meeting at the level of leadership of Pridnestrovie and Moldova that has been recently told on television by elected Prime Minister of Moldova Valeriu Strelet we inform about the following.
On the basis of the practice of interaction established over the years, based on mutual respect, and the procedures and customs of diplomatic negotiations, the parties usually initially discuss the possibility of holding meetings of the leadership in the regular course, including at the level of representatives on political issues and then they announce them in the media in a coherent manner. In the context of the statements made by the Moldovan side we have to inform on the fact that in this case, the prospects of organizing a meeting between the President of Pridnetrovie and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova have not been discussed by the parties, and there have not been any agreements on the meeting.
In general, the Pridnestrovian side regards so expressed intention to meet with the Pridnestrovian partners as positive, but under artificial containment of the economic potential of Pridnestrovie, a number of unfriendly unilateral actions of the Republic of Moldova in the economic field, as well as the ongoing politically motivated prosecutions of officials, businessmen, land users (for cultivating crops on the land situated in the territory of Pridnestrovie), and ordinary citizens of Pridnestrovie the Moldavian side’s attempt to organize a meeting at highest level resembles some kind of imitation of “goodwill”.
The Pridnestrovian side, as before, proceeds from understanding that the meeting at the level of leadership of the parties should be preceded by consultations between the expert (working) groups, as well as representatives on political issues, aimed at the drafting of decisions and agreements, approving and signing of which could make the meeting productive.
The Pridnestrovian side has consistently stood for the resolution of all problematic issues in cooperation with the Republic of Moldova at the negotiating table in all established formats in a constructive, respectful, mutually acceptable manner considering the will of citizens.