Topical issues of education were discussed in Bendery


On 27 September 2016 the OSCE Mission office in Bendery hosted a meeting of expert (working) groups on education involving representatives of Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova.

During the meeting experts have discussed several aspects of education and also exchanged views on the current organizational and technical matters. In particular, the issue of jointly organizing of subject olympiads involving talented pupils of educational establishments of Pridnestrovie and Moldova.

In connection with the apostilization of educational documents issuing in Pridnestrovie, Moldavian side has publicly announced the unavailability to discuss this issue at the current stage.

In addition, participants agreed to held regular meeting in the near future with representatives of the supervisory authorities of the parties to consider and adopt the relevant decisions in the result of the joint inspections of schools with Romanian language of instruction on the Pridnestrovian territory carried in August of this year.