Evgeny Shevchuk: Our Aim is Development of Plan to Minimize Consequences of Possible Negative Impact on Pridnestrovie...

Evgeny Shevchuk: Our Aim is Development of Plan to Minimize Consequences of Possible Negative Impact on Pridnestrovie...
Evgeny Shevchuk: Our Aim is Development of Plan to Minimize Consequences of Possible Negative Impact on Pridnestrovie...
Evgeny Shevchuk: Our Aim is Development of Plan to Minimize Consequences of Possible Negative Impact on Pridnestrovie...
Evgeny Shevchuk: Our Aim is Development of Plan to Minimize Consequences of Possible Negative Impact on Pridnestrovie...

The President Yevgeny Shevchuk chairs meeting of the Security Council of the PMR at the President's Office. A wide range of issues concerning the current situation in the Security Zone, as well as new rules of migration policy of the Republic of Moldova for Pridnestrovian nationals is under discussion. The focus is on possible risks for Pridnestrovian economics in the event of negative external impact. Members of the Security Council consider also a plan to stabilize the situation in all specified issues.

The President of Pridnestrovie Yevgeny Shevchuk: “Distinguished members of the Security Council, we have to cover several pressing issues. This is a very important meeting. First of all, these are issues related to the incidents in the Security Zone. As you know, the Security Zone covers more than 200 km of the PMR's territory. We are concerned about more than 30 incidents in the Security Zone in a short period of time during 2013. Our concern is influence of new external factors in Pridnestrovie: new infrastructure along the borders of the Republic of Moldova, which is actually functioning as the national border. Here are also presented some aspects which are affecting movement of civil, passenger and freight transport, which are affecting border crossing by citizens and globally the freedom of movement of citizens. We are worried by the impact of implementation of agreements on Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas between the EU and Moldova and between the EU and Ukraine. We need to assess existing risks, to understand possible consequences and to adopt possible measures which are necessary in order to minimize external negative factors. First of all, it is the issue of movement of our citizens, transport and of our goods.

Pridnestrovie has recently reached definite level of macroeconomic stability; it is evident in comparison with our neighbours. It is subject to exchange-value of rouble, pension, compensation, wages, sustainable progress in the implementation of a number of social projects. But we have to admit that current factors, particularly blocking of infrastructure, impinge Pridnestrovian economics today. It is relevant for blocking of the freight transport by Pridnestrovian enterprises, passenger traffic, blocking of water and railway transportation of our cargoes, goods, and people. Air traffic is also blocked to some extent; there is continuing impact of other factors, which, unfortunately, have been caused by solutions of our partners in Kishinev.

We have to assess all the risks, challenges, to evaluate the credibility of experts' predictions, to enhance awareness of our neighbours and our partners that Pridnestrovie is interested in good neighbourhood.

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic has demonstrated, is demonstrating and will be demonstrating her peace-loving policy which includes reduction of personnel of security agencies in order to stabilize situation in the Security Zone in cooperation with our partners. We wish no external enforced conditions to destabilize situation in the Security Zone or to become a ground for breakdown of negotiations which are carried on in different relevant formats. We are interested in continuation of negotiations in order to search for mutually acceptable constructive decisions. We believe that, first of all, while implementing some modified rules their impact on life of citizens residing in Pridnestrovie should be taken into account as well as possible consequences these rules can lead to in case of implementation of these decisions and new agreements. Our goal is to develop plans to minimize possible negative impact on Pridnestrovie and to affirm roadmap in case of implementation of a negative scenario against Pridnestrovie.

We hope our partners in negotiations process, our neighbours and all those who are interested in stable negotiations format and in early stabilization of relations between Chisinau and Tiraspol shall provide aid in order to ensure stable functioning of Pridnestrovian economy in these new conditions. This is the direct basis for normal work of our economic agents and, what is more important; it is the living base of our citizens. This is the reason for us to address the guarantor-states with our concerns so they will take into account our opinion that it is impossible to implement some agreements which are to a greater or lesser degree affect Pridnestrovie without regard to existing formats – the Joint Control Commission and the 5+2 format. They are correlated. We have certain concerns that not all aspects of such negative impact on Pridnestrovie are taken into account by our partners. The Security Council shall develop relevant decisions aimed at providing stable functioning of economy and social infrastructure for Pridnestrovie for a substantial period of time”.

Link: http://president.gospmr.ru/ru/news/v-administracii-prezidenta-prohodit-sovet-bezopasnosti-pod-rukovodstvom-glavy-gosudarstva