Nina Shtanski: “Independence of Pridnestrovie is an axiom for all citizens of Republic. Any speculations in this field are unacceptable”

Nina Shtanski: “Independence of Pridnestrovie is an axiom for all citizens of Republic. Any speculations in this field are unacceptable”

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR stated toady in her interview to the Radio Pridnestrovie while commenting on the rush around the issue of calling off the bill On the Goals and Principles of the Negotiation Process with the Republic of Moldova. According to her words, the MPs and certain experts are purposefully misleading the citizens of the Republic. Almost year ago the draft law was presented to the Supreme Soviet by the President Igor Smirnov. And the same people who are now agitating for its adoption harshly opposed this very document not long ago. This initiative was not supported by the parliament but now, as Nina Shtanski notes, situation changed drastically for some reasons.

“Today we can see ambitions of certain MPs to somehow express themselves. It is very sad that in this case someone is trying to manipulate public opinion and mislead Pridnestrovians. With all the inner political difficulties our Republic faced for past 20 years, we have always been united in our aspiration to strengthen our independence and to seek for its recognition. It has always been an axiom. Speculations around these issues harm Pridnestrovian citizens first of all, they weaken us from within. It is absolutely unacceptable because negotiation process with Moldova is conducted in frames of implementation of provisions of our Constitution and of the Foreign Policy Concept.

Head of foreign political agency considers the draft law On Goals and Principles of the Negotiation Process with the Republic of Moldova to be out of current importance today. It can be considered to be unilateral step of official Tiraspol in negotiation process.

“I do not find ways how could MPs plan to regulate activities of Russia or Ukraine in the negotiation process by this draft. Pridnestrovie should argue its position in accordance to already signed documents. There could be confusion. Someone could use it as an argument against Pridnestrovie and it could be regarded as preliminary conditions”.

Nina Shtanski considers contraposition of the law draft On Goals and Principles of Negotiation Process with the Republic of Moldova to the notorious Moldovan law of 2005 to be inconsistent.

“We should not set off or not set off anything to the law of 2005 because it was adopted by Moldova unilaterally. It contradicts the approach which is applied to the negotiations. And we never stopped to mention it. It is obvious that until Moldova revises her approach to this law, Pridnestrovie is not going to proceed in discussing any political issues”.

New Foreign Policy Concept which is being developed in the Pridnestrovian MFA currently takes into account current geopolitical situation. Previous document was adopted by the MPs as long as in 2005. It is said on normalization of relations with the Republic of Moldova in it.

“Current Eurasian integration processes in which Pridnestrovie is deeply interested, are not reflected in the current edition of the Concept. And normalization of relations with the Republic of Moldova is one of the priorities. This is directly fixed because good peace is a good peace. Nobody is interested in confrontation. We should build normal peaceful relations. We can not agree on many political issues because of the opposite positions and we are not conducting any negotiations on political status with the Republic of Moldova. Today we have social and economic issues in the agenda. Earlier, during negotiations which my predecessors Vladimir Yastrebchak and Valery Litskai were conducting for many years, political status was a key point. Today we are not discussing this issue. We wish to build negotiation ground around social and economic issues. Many problems are common for Pridnestrovie and for Moldova”.

We remind that according to Foreign Policy Concept currently in force which was adopted by the Supreme Soviet in 2005 the will of the people expressed during the referendum of September 17, 2006 is not reflected. New document will officially fix the results of the plebiscite and thus strategic course of Pridnestrovie on rapprochement with Russia.
