Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Finalized Work of the Draft of the Foreign Policy Concept of the PMR

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Finalized Work of the Draft of the Foreign Policy Concept of the PMR
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Finalized Work of the Draft of the Foreign Policy Concept of the PMR
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Finalized Work of the Draft of the Foreign Policy Concept of the PMR

The final draft of the new edition of the Foreign Policy Concept of Pridnestrovie was approved during the meeting of the Public Expert Council under the PMR's MFA.

It should be reminded that the work on the text of the document was started under the instruction of the Head of State by the foreign-political agency of the Republic with the assistance of academic and expert circles and general public of Pridnestrovie and Russia.

Critical comments and proposals were made by the Ministry of Economic Development, MP's of the Supreme Council, by the Union of Moldovans of Pridnestrovie, by the Association of Industrialists, Agrarians and Entrepreneurs of Pridnestrovie, by the Public Chamber of the PMR, by the Pridnestrovian State University under T.G. Shevchenko, by the Joint Control Commission, by the Ombudsman of the PMR, by the Representation of the Republic of Abkhazia in Pridnestrovie and by citizens of the Republic.

The draft of the Concept was highly estimated by Russian specialists. Positive evaluation to the project was given in the Russia's MFA. In particular, Russian diplomats Sergei Gubarev and Vitaly Tryapitsyn called the document “a serious base for development and practical realization of foreign-political course of Pridnestrovie”:

During the today's meeting members of the Public Expert Council worked out the most difficult and contradictory provisions. As the result, final draft of the document was approved. “Today Public Expert Council once again had to decide for several hours of discussions, whether there should be certain provisions in the draft text. We managed to arrive at a consensus on the majority of issues”, – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Nina Shtanski noted at the end of the meeting.

Diplomat expressed her gratitude to all persons who participated in the working out of the document. She noted that foreign-political agency did a major work. “We hope that the results of our common work will be appreciated by the President”, – she said.

In the coming days draft of the Concept shall be delivered for consideration of the Head of State.