Third Issue of the TV Project “Public Diplomacy” is Devoted to 20th Anniversary of Deployment of Russian Peacekeeping Forces in Pridnestrovie


On July 31 third issue of TV Project “Public Diplomacy” went on air on the First Republican TV Channel. Program is devoted to the 20th anniversary of the peacekeeping operation of the Russian Federation in Pridnestrovie.

What did the presence of Russian peacekeepers bring to citizens of Pridnestrovie and of Moldova? What influence does the peacekeeping operation have on the situation in the region? What are the processes which are currently taking place around it? – These and other questions were raised during the discussion by the experts.

Full video version of the third issue of the program can be found here.

In framework of media-project “Public Diplomacy” experts are discussing most topical issues and events in life of Pridnestrovie. Project is called to intensify dialogue between the society and the state authorities on most important topics of Pridnestrovian foreign policy, to contribute to highly-qualified expert discussion on the foreign-political course of the Republic which is carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR.