Nina Shtanski: “The Eurasian vector of development does not limit the development of relations with the international community”


The issues of “multivectorness” of the foreign policy were discussed on the round table of the Public Expert Council under the MFA of the PMR.

During the round table “Prospects for the development of the Pridnestrovian statehood: modern challenges and threats” organized by the Public Expert Council under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR, director of the LLC “TV and Radio Company “Novaya Volna”” Grigory Volovoi suggested that in a difficult geopolitical situation attributable to the pro-European political orientation of the neighboring states Pridnestrovie should develop a multivectoral foreign policy. According to the expert, today it is not multivectoral.

Commenting on the position of the expert, Deputy Chairperson of the Government of the PMR for International Cooperation, Foreign Minister Nina Shtanski stressed that Pridnestrovie seeks to develop ties with the whole international community, while maintaining a clear course to the Eurasian integration, based on the will of the people expressed in the 2006 referendum.

 “One of the priorities of the foreign policy of Pridnestrovie until 2012 was a “multivectorness” - the term was legally enshrined in the document. Unfortunately, in our country the multivectorness became a “withoutvectorness” - we did not have the foreign policy, in fact. We, on the one hand, wanted to develop relationships with everyone, on the other hand, we obviously did not do enough on the strategically important directions. In particular, we actually worked “on paper” on the Russian direction. Today it is a top priority for the MFA,”- noted the minister.

 “The Eurasian vector of the foreign policy, proclaimed in our country as a national idea, does not limit the Pridnestrovian diplomacy in developing relations with the outside world, including with the EU countries, with which our relationship seriously expanded in the last few years. Almost 700 foreign delegations made various visits to the PMR last year alone. That amount included about a hundred meetings with diplomats and government officials, all the rest – communication with economic agents, civil society. We want to be open, understood, and we did not become a “besieged fortress” from the fact that we talk around the world about our firm course towards the Eurasian integration. Thus, methods of working are multivectoral now, but we have one foreign policy vector - Russia and Eurasian integration,” – said Nina Shtanski.