Statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovien Moldavian Republic in Connection with Destructive Behavior of the Moldovan Delegation in the Joint Control Commission


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovien Moldavian Republic expresses serious concern in connection with a destructive behavior of Moldova's representatives in the Joint Military Command and the Moldovan delegation in the Joint Control Commission.

On July 20, 2011, during the meeting of the JMC, senior military commander of the Moldovan military contingent Colonel V. Byrka put forward claims contravening Agreement “On the Principles of a Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Pridnestrovien Region of the Republic of Moldova” from July 21, 1992, and decisions of the Joint Control Commission. The Moldovan side in an uncompromising manner insists that the four-sided military observers should be forwarded to exert control over the forthcoming planned rotation of armor in Russian military units.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs draws attention to the fact that the Russian peacekeeping contingent carries out all its actions in full compliance with its mandate. Institute of military observers was established as an instrument to control execution of decisions of the Joint Control Commission by conflicting parties. We stress that it is actions of exclusively the sides to the conflict, not those of the guarantor countries which come under control on the part of the military observers. The demand of the Moldovan delegation is an attempt of interference into internal affairs of the Russian contingent, a direct violation of an established order and rules of conduction of the peacekeeping operation.  

During the meeting of the Joint Control Commission on July 21, 2011, these unjustified claims were once again voiced by the Moldovan side. Over 19 years of the peacekeeping operation, so obvious attempt by Moldova upon internal regulations of the Russian peacekeepers is taken for the first time. 

Taking into consideration current situation in Moldova-Pridnestrovie settlement, outlined progress in the activity of Pridnestrovien and Moldavian expert and working groups in solving problems in spheres, that concern the improvement of people's lives and creation of conditions for the officialization  of 5+2 format, actions of the Moldavian side in JMC and JCC appear to have dependent nature. It is obvious that Moldavian  constituent in the process of peacebuilding initiates demarches of such kind in order to please domestic policy interests of Moldavian authorities and objectives of foreign players.

In connection with given situation Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces, that the position of Moldavian responsible officials, involved in the peacebuilding operation, is openly provocative and directed to destabilization of established peacebuilding mechanism. Such actions indicate on the fact, that Moldavian authorities are not as before interested in constructive dialogue with Tiraspol, and their politics is directed to elimination of Russian military presence in our region of Europe. Let us recall, that 19 years ago it was bringing of Russian peacebuilding troops, that became the decisive factor in cease-fire between the sides of the conflict and in establishment of strong peace on the Dniester. During all these years it was Russian constituent of the peacebuilding mechanism, that brings key contribution to provision of regional stability and security. Importance, efficiency and invariability of active format of peacebuilding operation was repeatedly emphasized in official statement of the Heads of states – members of Moldova-Pridnestrovie settlement process.

Ministry of foreign affairs draws attention of Russia and Ukraine as guarantor states, intermediaries and observers in the process of settlement of Moldova-Pridnestrovie relations to the fact, that destructive behavior of the Moldavian side does not promote the creation of the atmosphere of trust between the sides. PMR's MFA considers, that the Moldavian authorities' politic is fraught with tension in the whole region and urge to all the participants of the settlement to give corresponding assessment for legitimate actions of the Moldavian side during the meeting of JCC and to support active format of peacebuilding operation.