The Republic of South Ossetia’s MFA: Pridnestrovian Diplomats are Strengthening Foreign-Political Positions of their State on Ground of International Law

The Republic of South Ossetia’s MFA: Pridnestrovian Diplomats are Strengthening Foreign-Political Positions of their State on Ground of International Law

On July 1, 2012 20th anniversary of formation of diplomatic service of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is celebrated.  Head of foreign-political agency of the Republic of South Ossetia David Sanakoyev sent his congratulations to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Nina Shtanski.

In the address it is said: “Creation of the first foreign-political agency of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic – the Republican Bureau for Foreign Relations – on July 1, 1992 became a strong basis for development of system of state administration in sphere of international relations. For 20 years in difficult conditions of international climate Pridnestrovian diplomats are demonstrating their high professionalism, extraordinary tenacity and strong will, wisdom and far-sightedness. With their constant laborious work they contributed to strengthening of foreign-political positions of state on the grounds of international law and to the development of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic as a full member of the world community. Today Pridnestrovian diplomacy is a remarkable combination of experience and youth, knowledge and energy, determination and enthusiasm”.

Foreign-political agency of the Republic of South Ossetia sent words of deep respect and gratitude for aspiration for peace, readiness for fruitful cooperation and good-neighborhood, daily work aimed to create optimal foreign-political conditions for recognition and peaceful development of Pridnestrovian state to all diplomatic officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Republic, to diplomatic staff of the representations and to veterans of diplomatic service.