President of Pridnestrovie Evgeny Shevchuk Received a Delegation of the United Nations


President of Pridnestrovie Yevgeny Shevchuk received the UN delegation led by the UN Resident Coordinator in the RM, Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nicola Harrington-Buhay. Taking part in the meeting from the Pridnestrovian side was Deputy Chairperson of the Government of the PMR for International cooperation, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nina Shtanski.

The participants discussed topical cooperation issues. Under the leadership of Nicola Harrington-Buhay the UN Development Programme and other UN agencies have implemented a number of social and humanitarian projects in Pridnestrovie. Cooperation with the UN agencies is conducted in areas such as: the recovery of the social infrastructure, strengthening and development of the health system, combating the spread of HIV, support for children without parental care.

“In recent years, UN agencies have invested heavily in the infrastructure of Pridnestrovie, without any political overtone. The funds are intended to form the conditions of life for the citizens regardless of their gender, nationality or political preferences,” – stressed the President.

To date, through the work of the UN agencies Rybnitsa’s maternity hospital was provided with medical equipment for emergency medical assistance. A number of infrastructure projects in healthcare and education areas was implemented as well: assistance in repairing Bendery’s emergency station, the emergency room of Rybnitsa’s district hospital and perinatal center, and also a nursery school in Karagash village of Slobodzeya district was provided. Besides, a project to equip 10 Pridnestrovie’s social facilities that was previously reconstructed by the UNDP with solar batteries has been launched through the UN. Their installation will provide the institutions with hot water.

The meeting participants exchanged their views on some aspects related to the implementation of the recommendations given by UN Senior Expert for Human Rights in Pridnestrovie Thomas Hammarberg in his special report. “The recommendations of the UN Senior Expert were taken as a basis for actions of public authorities of Pridnestrovie to address some issues related to insuring the protection of human rights,” – said Yevgeny Shevchuk.

The participants also discussed that the projects aimed at improving the situation in the field of immunization and perinatal care are developing and implemented through the World Health Organization in collaboration with the UNDP and UNICEF. “Pridnestrovie receives international aid in the form of medicines, which are very expensive. It has always been a problem for us to get them on time as much as is necessary, - emphasized Pridnestrovie’s Foreign Minister Nina Shtanski in the interview. - We are in regular contact with our colleagues. This work involved the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Protection, and the Ministry of Education. Together we will try to make it possible that more projects of which our people have need will be realised.”

The meeting also discussed the development of agricultural, ecological and cultural tourism in Pridnestrovie, the realization of the solid waste recycling project in Slobodzeya district.

President Yevgeny Shevchuk expressed hope to preserve the achieved level of cooperation and its expansion in areas of mutual interest.


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