Statement of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR on Provocative Actions from the Side of Moldova on Joint Peacekeeping Post № 9


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR expresses profound concern and anxiety in connection with actions of group of civilians under obvious support of military personnel of the Republic of Moldova, executed in Central sector of the Security Zone in the area of Joint Trilateral Peacekeeping Post № 9. In the morning of April 12, 2012 these persons removed warning signs and signs marking the border near Peacekeeping post without concordance from the side of Joint Control Commission, they demolished traffic control barrier which did not restrict vehicle movement and certain elements of infrastructure.

These actions are considered by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR as provocative ones. They may threaten the arrangements reached within the framework of Joint Control Commission, destabilize social situation in left-bank villages Koshnitsa, Pyryta and other centers of population under jurisdiction of the Republic of Moldova, increase accumulation of conflict potential between Moldova and Pridnestrovie, create tension between the inhabitants of neighbouring villages which had to fear further increase of tension in connection with provocative actions of radical people in January-February 2012.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR urges the Moldovan side to refrain from forcing of the situation around the Peacekeeping Post № 9. In case of presence of disagreements we offer to discuss them on the platforms specially created for these purposes. The population of neighbouring villages must be protected against irresponsible actions of provokers.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR insists on the necessity of strict observance of Agreement on the Principles of a Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in Pridnestrovie dated July 21, 1992. The Peacekeeping Operation that started its' activity since that period and proved its' efficiency is the only one effective guarantee of security in this region.