Pridnestrovie’s Foreign Ministry comments to the “Parliamentary newspaper” the statement of the Ambassador of Romania in the Republic of Moldova


It is difficult to discuss such statements voiced by a high-ranking diplomat of the de jure European country. We are genuinely surprised at the multifaceted fantasy of Mr. Lazurca and we have learnt with interest about his alleged informal contacts. In this context, we believe that certain “signals” that Mr. Lazurca caught very likely could come from other civilizations, but not from Pridnestrovie.

Our position on the so-called new trade regime “EU-Moldova” is well known. The decision was made without taking into account the presence of unresolved conflict, and without considering the interests of Pridnestrovie. Such actions entail serious threats to the economic stability of Pridnestrovie. We are in contact with European partners to search for patterns of interaction that take into account the interests of the parties on a reciprocal basis. At the same time, we are very interested in the way in which Romania has suddenly become a participant of the bilateral dialogue between Pridnestrovie and the European Union, and even more, how this country is connected with the process of Moldova-Pridnestrovie settlement.

We were impressed by the success of the Romanian diplomacy in the “convergence of the banks of the Dniester”, but in reality we have not got the chance to face this phenomenon.

Sourcethe “Parliamentary newspaper”, “Pridnestrovie is in no hurry to evrointegrate”